
a few of my favourite things…

Browsing images on Pinterest is becoming slightly addictive! I decided to share a selection of some of my latest favourite images…  Spring has almost sprung! Bulbs are already starting to sprout from the ground, and soon the blossom trees will be full of gorgeous colour. Blossom is my favourite tree, I’ve always wanted one! I […]

I love dandelions!

If you know me, you’ll know that I LOVE dandelions! So much so that I love collecting things with them on. I’ve got some gorgeous framed dandelion prints and decorations, and I even have a tattoo of a dandelion! Last year the dandelion theme started to evoke through pieces of my work and it has […]


I have discovered a new love and passion for these beautiful flowers, if you can call a dandelion a flower. I used to pick them as a child and make a wish, then blow the seeds away. Did you know that dandelions are found as weeds worldwide? But they are so pretty! Each single flower […]

I could live here…

One week to go before we get the keys to the new place! I’m so excited to be in our new cosy home, and setting up my new workshop, which will be another garage! I’ve been boxing everything up in my current workshop ready for the move, and fired the kiln for the last time […]


Have you heard of Pinterest? It’s a new social catalogue where anyone can store all of their favourite things, whether it be inspiration images, recipes, places, products, things for the home, clothes, ideas, anything! To use Pinterest, all it takes is one easy ‘click & drag’ with the mouse to attach a ‘Pin It’ button […]